Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dear Gracie

(I cant see you but Im guessing you do)
I have decided to change this blog, instead of us NOT posting, we are going to write leters to each other. And by write letters I meen put up lots of kick ass pictures and tell each other stuff. Maybe people will care, maybe they wont.

So far this year has not gone according to plan. I intended to stroll aroud looking like a Married to the Mob model but the weather here is weird and the humidity makes my makeup run and I get all hot and bothered.

According to Ebay this necklace is vintage chanel which I hardly belive but I would like it anyway. Also this model makes me want to have very long ghostly white hair and strangely large forehead.

In other news, Im doing THIS (because why the hell not), Fumeros going to Venezeula and might not be back for months, I might go to Venezeuala and not be back for A month, Im broke and I need fashion.

Love R <3

Monday, August 10, 2009

i dream about closets

i am  ALWAYS fascinated by other peoples collection of clothes . Its like fresh meat to me or something . I dream of someday having a room dedicated to housing all my garments . In saying this I would much rather quality over quantity , a concept which 70% of Irish girls do not understand ( i blame pennys / primark ) . In saying that , I much rather the idea of having a LOT of GOOD quality clothes . . .Hand me that cake I want to eat the whole thing in one go ....

 Here are a few of my favourites I have come across in my time . . . apologies I cannot recall any sites where I came across these images 

This is what I am working from at present . . . 

ashley copied my hair cut !

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Truth

"I think you're either born with a sense of style or you're not," Ashley says in her small, soft voice, giving her knuckles a loud crack. "Either you care or you don't. And we"—she and Mary-Kate—"love fashion.


(extract from Ashley O's Elle interveiw)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

how devine ... ?

now i wish i had never cut my hair . im off to lash on some st. tropez . . . . .

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My first

Vivienne Westwood Platforms...I die...

R x